As the CEO of Telegram Arrested, a decline in the crypto market appeared. Major crypto coins like Bitcoin, BNB, TON, and DOGs have lost their value by about 1-6%. Because the man behind the DOG coin was Pavel Durov. Recently, a big $DOGs Airdrop worth $1 Billion is distributed among 43 Million users on Telegram.
Now these users want to withdraw their tokens from International exchanges like Binance, Bitget, and Bybit but it will only be possible after listing. As the CEO is Arrested, they might delay the listing and wait to come out. But on the other hand, players pressure them to list early. The current price of DOGS is $0.11 which may fluctuate when people start selling their coins.
DOGs Expected Price after Airdrop
The DOG token is set to make its debut on major crypto platforms like Binance, Bitget, Bybit, Kucoin, and 11 other exchanges.
After listing on August 26th, the DOG’s price could be around $0.001 or $0.0001 because like always, the majority of users will sell their coins. Now see what will be their next strategy to stop this decline. If they add some restrictions like “trade the coin to withdraw”, they can overcome this issue.
TON Price Affected by Pavel Durov
TON is linked with Telegram, used to distribute the creator’s earnings. Its price dropped by 2% immediately after the Arrest but today it recovered and now its price is at $5.7.
Why Pavel Durov is Arrested?
Pavel Durov was arrested at Bourget airport outside paris on saturday evening at 8:00 PM. He was coming from Azerbaijan through his private jet and arrested at France Airport. Now he will appear in court on Sunday. The main reasons to arrest him are the promoting illegal activities on Telegram.
Russian-born Durov founded the Telegram with his brother in 2013. In 2014, he left Russia after refusing to comply with government demand.
Walikum Assalam